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Everything posted by Scribblecrans

  1. I accidentally shot about 45 minutes of data in jpeg before realizing that I shot in the wrong mode. Unless someone tells me otherwise I am just going to take the jpegs out of the stack but it would be nice to have if they could in some way help.
  2. Hello, Recently I took my first set of images pointed towards the North American Nebula. Here is the image after a quick edit on my phone(I know it’s very bad I just wanted to bring out the nebulousity) Anyways, there are a few things I am wondering, why is they image orange? I barely changed the temperature, and even in the processed, but unedited image it was still showing signs of it being orange in the small amounts of nebulousity I could see. Would that just be the temperature I took it at, or would it have to do with something else? Regarding APP, There was faint, but no significant nebulousity. Should I be seeing a significant amount or does that come when you stretch the image. I did 108x20 second exposures if that comes in handy. The other things I want to touch on is about editing an image in APP. Thanks for the help! Evan
  3. I can't believe this. I had it in my frame and I thought it was just stars so I passed by the shot... I remember literally looking at the camera screen and seeing that heart shaped start outline at the bottom. Well I guess back to imaging... Thanks a lot though! Edit:
  4. I was using ISO 800 because 1600 is a little harsh on my images. The recommendation is 1600 though. Should I bump it up?
  5. A few days ago I posted about my struggle finding deep space targets. So even after continuing to try and find them, I have still run into trouble. So I have been trying to image easier objects. One of those is the North American Nebula. I figured it would be pretty easy to spot some sort of the nebulosity but was mistaken. I was able to spot Deneb in my photo but couldn't see any sort of nebula. I really don't know if the issue is my exposure time, bright skies, or me just not finding the target I am begging to find. The exposure I took was around 20 seconds(I am in boatel class 7) and the image had an orangish-tinted background meaning that if my exposure were longer, I would start getting white-tinted skies. So would it just be an issue with my exposure time and having to bring out the image during stacking or would it be likely that I am completely missing the target. Thanks for the help in advance! My gear consists of: WO Zenithstar 61 Canon T2i Star Adventurer Pro Pack 2i
  6. Hello, It is 1:10 in the morning right now after having my first go at imaging something with my astrophotography setup. I spent about 3 hours, one getting used to the telescope, and the other two trying to find a target. When I look through my camera at the sky, I see possibly one or two stars that I can use as points of references. Unfortunately though I am having trouble discerning what stars they are. Since I don't know what stars they are and since I am seeing very few, I am a bit confused on how I am supposed to find something to image. I've heard that raising the ISO will allow you to see more stars but that didn't seem to work. Any advice? My setup consists of the: Star Adventurer 2i WO Z61 and the Canon EOS Rebel T2i Thanks!
  7. Hello, I am wondering if there are any free imaging stackers/softwares for Mac devices. Unfortunately my parents have not been brung to light about the beauty of windows. Thanks in advance!
  8. Oh my goodness I feel stupid. I have spent a lot of time this weekend trying to figure out how to adjust the altitude and all I needed to do what rotate the the mounting assembly to be horizontal and adjust the angle the angle of the camera. Thanks for the help
  9. Hello, Okay that is what I thought. This leads me to another question though, how do you allow the z61 to point towards zenith, is there a knob or do you have to adjust the circle bracket that it sits on? Thanks!
  10. So recently I bought the star adventurer and am planning on using the z61 as my imaging telescope. I have seen a lot of people recommend it as a great telescope to use and after doing some research have decided that it is probably the telescope that I should get. I am confused on one simple thing though, do I have to be polar aligned while imaging? And if I do, how do I all the telescope I am using to point close/towards zenith. Wouldn't I have to stay at the latitude of Polaris to image?
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