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The Moon burst My Bubble (NGC 7635)

Paul M

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Last night was beautiful and clear but Moonlight invaded every corner of the sky.

The Bubble Nebula in Cassiopeia seemed like a good choice away from the Moon, even though it was low down in the NNE. I've tried imaging it before and found subs looked more promising than the eventual image turned out to be.

I went for 200 x 30 sec subs because I'm lazy and already had flats and darks to suit :) 

250P-DS, ASI178 camera and Optolong L Pro filter. There was a stiff breeze which upset a lot of subs and PHD2 guide trends made me sea sick. I left it running knowing that dawn would interfere eventually. I dumped about 40 subs taken after 04:15 because  the sky was too light. DSS scrubbed another few due to bad guiding caused by the wind. The resulting image, dragged screaming through Photoshop, still has green invasion of dawn on the left side.  Loading it here I now see a blue caste too. Oh well.

I feel I'm heading in the right direction, but ultimately I'm not using the best equipment for the job. I get my work bonus in June. I'm thinking about more suitable camera for deep sky.





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1 hour ago, CloudMagnet said:

I would recommend Gradient Exterminator

I do have Astro Flat Pro and Astronomy Tools (formerly Noel's Actions) in Photoshop.

Either or both of those are generally helpful. Unfortunately I think my hamfisted application of those did more harm than good in this image!!

Actually, looking at it, I'm wondering whether I spilled some lime juice on the subs... 🤪

And also note, although I blamed dawn it was actually Dawn that dunnit. So if anyone know's who Dawn is....

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