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Galaxies in Coma Berenices


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Reading all the reports in this section of the forum I felt a bit of an outlier hunting nebulas the past few days so I decided to have a go at galaxies in Coma Berenices. I had observed several galaxies in Leo and Virgo before so I thought to try something new. Seeing was good but transparency was so and so (thin high cloud I presume). I mostly sticked with my 25mm EP. I started with C38 (Berenice's Hair) and in my view I could also see NGC4494. Seeing C38 for the first time was quite exciting, a nice elongated shaped galaxy.  Then I had a go at C32 (Whale) and NGC4656 (Hockey Stick). Both galaxies presented themselves in the same FOV. Next was NGC 4725 but somehow I had trouble finding and I do not how I ended up in M53; lovely cluster and I could make some individual stars. After a tea break, I was out again and bagged the  NGC 4725 without problems. I nice smudge. My last area in Coma Berenices was C35 since it seemed to have loads of galaxies in that region from doing some reading. OMG! I could make a lot of smudges in my EP! Some by direct vision and others by averted; the area almost look like a rich star area but obviously not since the 'stars' where not pinpoint but little smudges. I loved it. I am not sure what I have managed to see in terms of galaxies there but the feeling was of overexcitement!

Finally, I wanted to look at the M104 (Sombrero Galaxy) since I am still relative new in the hobby I had not seen it. It looked great on the 8mm EP. I could make an elongated smudge of light with some lobes on either side; with averted vision i could just about make a darker area along the elongated galaxy. Lovely!

I really enjoyed the seeing tonight and it was a welcome break after a long week. I also tried to capture the ring nebula on my DSLR using prime focus (single shot at iso6400, 1s exposure), so I can show my son in the morning, and I am over the moon that with a single shot I can see it (sorry I am posting it here but I am super excited not to!).

I am going to bed a very very happy man!


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Nice report. I usually overstay past my intended bedtime at the moment so well done for writing a report on here before turning in for the night. I hadn't realised that Lyra was visible at the moment but will probably wait a while before heading over there - it is pretty favourable later in the year.

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9 hours ago, Kon said:

@wookie1965 and @Epick Crom I agree with both of you; as a newbie in the hobby I am sure there many many things to keep me busy over the days/months/years, but I love every aspect of it! Even going back to previous targets still excites me when I see them again.

That's true. The beauty of Astronomy is that you can never run out of things to discover, and the things you have discovered never get old, you can observe them forever!

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