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Far and Closer


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Lovely clear evening, the sky looked reasonable with mag 5 stars visible overhead.

I spent a couple of hours to the right of the base of the plough.

After a look at M63, lovely and bright!  I moved on to the faint stuff. I worked through a list of five galaxies NGC 4837, 4741, 5029, 5112 and 5107. 

This morning I had a look at them online and it turns out the first three are all relatively distant in terms of what I can observe at around 400mly. Here is in image of NGC 5029.  An elliptical galaxy with a high absolute brightness. 


It turns out the last two NGC 5112 and NGC 5107 are MUCH closer at around 50 million light years. They may be a pair NGC 5107 is an edge on dwarf spiral. In images it is close enough to see star forming regions. Here is a picture of both galaxies from mantrap skies. Both of these were faint and required averted vision to spot with my 20 inch. NGC 5112 was a very faint oval whereas NGC 5107 was a lovely slither.



What struck me was that I did not sense that the first three galaxies were ten times further away than the last two.

Keep looking up, there is so much to find.


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Great report Mark :thumbright:

It's been really nice having some good galaxy hunting skies lately.

I often do what you do, do some observing then find out a bit more about what I've been looking at. As you say, sometimes you find out something quite unexpected :smiley:

Of course then the urge is to have another look, armed with that additional knowledge !


Edited by John
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Nice report Mark. I guess there is such a difference in size and brightness that distance perception is impossible through the scope. Interesting to check out the differences afterwards 👍👍

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