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Nikon D3200 astro-conversion

Dougie Smart

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Hi All,

As I have a Nikon D3200, I was wondering if anyone knows a good company who can convert this camera to allow for much better H-Alpha light to enter the sensor?

I found someone who could do it, but was charging an extortionate amount (£275 + VAT) to convert it and had over a month turn around time!!

Ideally I'm looking for somewhere who can do it for around £100.

I tried contacting 'cheapastrophotography', but no one has been back in touch (it is my understanding that he can convert cameras for around £75).

I was also wondering if anyone has removed their mirror from a Nikon D3200 as I'm trying to reduce camera shake as much as possible (would the camera still work if I did this (obviously the viewer would not work, so I would need to use live mode only).

Hopefully someone can help.

All the best,


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9 hours ago, tonylumley said:

can you lock the shutter open/ up ?, on the D3200, would save removing the mirror completely, asking as I have the D7200 and the D600, both have this facility, and use both for astro photography, 


Can you elaborate on this? You mean you don’t have a modification but are able to make the sensor more sensitive by doing this?

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Thanks for your replies guys. I just wanted to reduce some vibration by stopping my mirror from flicking up when taking pictures, but just glued the mirror to the 'up' position. Rather than holding the mirror once glued to dry, I just put the camera in clean shutter mode which keeps the mirror open and allowed the glue to set for an hour or so. 

After doing the above, the camera seems to work perfectly, but obviously I can't use the viewer, just live mode which is fine. 

I am hoping to attempt the astro modification myself soon as I have downloaded a PDF for doing this. 

If I make a boo boo and knacker the camera, I think purchasing a used mirrorless Canon or Sony DSLR may be the answer. 

I've had my Nikon for well over 12 years so is due me nothing. 

If I successfully do the astro mod, I'd be happy to share my findings. 



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