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Which nebulas with an OIII filter?


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My long awaited, nearly 2 months, OIII filter is on its way from FLO as per suggestion from @John and @jetstream. As a newbie who is enjoying himself with the various nebulas, but not so familiar with all of them, which nebulas would benefit from the OIII and you think I should target next time the moon is away? I am at bortle 4 (maybe edging to 3) skies. I have an 8" Dob. I promise to make a report once I use it with the suggested targets.🔭

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Next new moon, 12th April or there abouts, if clear, The Owl Nebula, M97 is very favourably placed and is enhanced by a OIII filter. Successive new moon phases, Cygnus will steadily increase in prominence, plenty to become preoccupied with if within dark skies. By around the Autumn period, when Taurus and Perseus are regaining in prominence, a Planetary Nebula; the Crystal Ball Nebula NGC 1514, is another excellent OIII filter target, revealing as a concentric fuzz, the nebula around its central star. 

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I'm a new OIII owner too and I rummaged up the following list when researching what might be best to point it at. 
I have to say I haven't yet tried them myself so can't confirm they are indeed any good; nor if / when they'll be viewable from Wiltshire; but by all accounts they are some of the best improved targets when using an OIII filter.

M8 Lagoon Nebula
M17 Swan Nebula
M97 Owl Nebula
NGC 2022
NGC 2337-9 Rosetta Nebula
NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet
NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula
NGC 6960-95 Veil Nebula
NGC 7293 Giant Helical Nebula

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Right now NGC 2392 is well placed and the improvement I found with this planetary is quite marked. One of the first objects I observed with my OIII filter was M97. I've never been able to see it clearly but with the filter in place is just leapt out of the field.

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