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Rosette Nebula in HOO


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Hi guys, very proud of this image as I think it's probably my best yet, nevertheless, as always I am more than keen to receive constructive feedback. Used a very helpful Youtube tutorial which can be watched here. https://youtu.be/bEinmXFXEyk


Details as follows:

Rosette Nebula NGC 2237 and open cluster NGC 2244

25/2/21 and 26/2/21 in 97%+ moon

4,500 light-years in the constellation of Monoceros

HOO palette

Bortle 6 NW UK


Equipment list:

- Skywatcher HEQ5-pro (Rowan Belt Mod)

- Canon 800d (modded)

- Explore Scientific ED APO 102mm F7 FCD-100 Triplet Carbon Fibre

- Hotech SCA 1x field flattener

- ZWO ASI-120MM-mini guide camera

- Skywatcher Evoguide 50ED guidescope

- 2 inch mounted Optolong L-eXtreme



- Sharpcap polar alignment, ASCOM guiding/dithering with PHD2

- APT image acquisition

- Lights - 60 x 300s, ISO800 (5 hours)

- Darks - 24

- Bias - 40

- Flats - 40 + 40




- Starnet

- Photoshop

- Topaz Denoise AI and Colormancer denoise


crazed workflow 11march 2.png

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