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New AR visible today - 9th March 2021


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I just popped the scope out today, given the clear skies and signs of a new AR on SolarMonitor. There are actually three ARs visible currently, although the unclassified one is the most obvious.

12806 shows as a patch of bright faculae near the limb at around 7 O’clock, refractor view. 12807 shows as three spots in a triangle further into the disk, nearer the centre, with some swirling granulation around it. The new, unclassified (12808???) AR looks good on the opposite limb just coming into view. It has nicely formed umbral and penumbral regions and some associated faculae.

The seeing isn’t great here but granulation could still be seen.

Nice to see regular activity happening now.

As an aside, I just fitted some spiked feet to the Berlebach tripod, and it makes a significant improvement in the stability over the rubber feet, especially once they are dug into the grass.



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36 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

New AR upper east limb looks good ATM.


Not showing on GONG yet

It shows on Solar Monitor Dave.

Just had another quick look. There is a nice patch of faculae at 3 O’clock, with no spots that I can see. There is also a single spot/pore near the centre of the disk, surrounded by some bright swirling in the granulation. Nice.

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48 minutes ago, Davey-T said:

New AR upper east limb looks good ATM.


Not showing on GONG yet

 Odd that it’s not really showing yet on Gong Dave, especially as there’s a nice spike prom associated with the new AR - at a 45 degree angle. 

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I managed to get a rushed look at lunchtime though the seeing was terrible.

I could see the new and unclassified region but try as I might seeing wasn't good enough to pick up the other two areas (and before you say it no, the sun wasn't behind the netball hoop and net in our neighbours garden). 😂


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15 minutes ago, Stu said:

Glad you got out the @AdeKing. Forecast is not great so that may be all I get of the new AR. Hopefully not though.

Thats why I made the effort upon seeing your post Stu.  I don't think I'm getting much more in the way of clear sky for a while :sad2:

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14 hours ago, Stu said:

Did anyone catch this today? We had some clear sky but I was too busy to get out at lunchtime unfortunately.

I did see 2808, at around 1pm yesterday from Oxford. There was a clear sunny spell between showers and I was testing my new Astozap solar filter on my 127 Mak.

Despite the wind the seeing was good and at x150 I can see hints of granulation around the penumbra of 2808. There were also 2 tiny sunspots in the centre of the disc. 

https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/ lists them as 2809, this means they are more recent I guess.

There is supposed to be another clear spell today at lunchtime and I will have a look again. The Sun is waking up,  something new to see all the time :)


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