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New Skywatcher 180 need mount

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Hi everyone,

My husband has given me a Skywatcher  sky max 180 mak for Christmas, hugely generous, but I am complete newb to all of this (having been fascinated for years but never taken the plunge) but was struggling to find a suitable mount for it which I am now researching. Whilst I have seen so far that a motorised mount is the better way to go for this, what with our newb status and the assistance it would give us to tracking, I really don't know a lot about this yet and am looking for some help from those more in the know while our local shop and assistance with this is closed under tier 4 restrictions. So far I am wondering if the EQ5 is suitable enough for it?

Apologies for the complete newness, but I do appreciate and guidance anyone can kindly offer!

Thank you in advance! :)

Edited by JenP04
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Hello and welcome to the site. I have that telescope and if your budget can stretch just that little bit to the HEQ5 pro then the mount is capable of anything reasonable like a DSLR camera, larger eyepiece, finders etc  upto a total of approx 18.5Kgs that you may throw at it in the future. Time is on your side in that most stuff is out of stock and on longish deliveries so you have plenty of time to look around. There is a wealth of knowledge here, what one person doesn't know, someone else definitely will so do not be concerned about asking any questions that are very likely to pop up in the future.


Edited by M40
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15 minutes ago, M40 said:

Hello and welcome to the site. I have that telescope and if your budget can stretch just that little bit to the HEQ5 pro then the mount is capable of anything that you may throw at it in the future. Time is on your side in that most stuff is out of stock and on longish deliveries so you have plenty of time to look around. There is a wealth of knowledge here, what one person doesn't know, someone else definitely will so do not be concerned about asking any questions that are very likely to pop up in the future.


Sorry, It is definitely a nice mount, but exaggerating it's capacity is not in the best interest of the OP

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12 minutes ago, Waldemar said:

Sorry, It is definitely a nice mount, but exaggerating it's capacity is not in the best interest of the OP

Apologies for being vague. But I think we both know the limitations of the telescope, by which time the limitations of the mount would also be known.

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Hello @JenP04 and welcome to SGL.

As others have said the HEQ5 is a good mount for the Skymax 180...... or a used Vixen GPDX.

You will have to manage the scope for best results.......

1. You must cool it down well - put it outside, take the end caps off and point the front down to allow warm air to escape for at least an hour.

2. You will need a dewshield for the front of the scope.

3. Once cooled well, check collimation and adjust if necessary for best results.

To find things in the night sky you could download Stellarium - a great and free sky simulation program.

A 7” Mak is a very good scope.

Good luck and clear skies.

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Thank you all so much for your replies and welcomes, they are all very much appreciated! 

I was looking at the HEQ5 pro as well so pleased to see you would suggest it, I will investigate this more! 

@dweller25your tips are great, thank you so much for that too, really kind of you. I will definitely do all of those things!

Thanks again all! 

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👍 You will find with this hobby that the more you learn, the less you know so enjoy the massive learning curve :D 

Might be worth dropping first light optics a line as they will be able to give you a clue as to delivery dates etc. Also keep your eye on the for sale section on the site, there is an HEQ5 for sale at the moment but it has had an upgrade carried out so is a little on the expensive side. First class tips from dweller25, I keep my telescope covered and in the shed so temperature hasn't been a challenge for me; a dew shield is a definite requirement with the skymax. 

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