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Sun december 24th. Quark first light

At dusk

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Recently I had to sell my lunt 80 to finance other more earthly needs. I've replaced it with a quark. This is its first light. Two conclusions: I'm gonna miss the lunt and I need a tilter to avoid newton rings. Anyway here are my first pictures with this set up. I used a zenisthar 73 (and herschell for white light)




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That quark clearly is going to be way better than your lunt 80.   The newton rings are pretty-much standard on all equipment nowadays, so dont fret over it.  Just get a camera tilt adapter.  Or downgrade to a CCD based sensor.     


place that quark in a a 127mm objective telescope and you will forget lunt even existed on day one.    Save up for a  baader planetarium 200mm D-erf filter paired with a 200mm coma free SCT and again,  the tiny 80mm objective will be a relic from the past.


based on this one picture, you are one of the chosen few that was provided an outstanding quark.   



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I appreciate the answers.

I intend to use the quark awith my lzos 130 f9 too. But that won’t be in the near future. ERFs can be almost as expensive as a full solar telescope.

I was about to order a tilter from zwo. But I’ve ordered a QHY462c and I suppose I can’t use the zwo tilter with the QHY

Does anyone now about a tilt device that I can use with the QHY camera?




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