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First Light - Askar200/ASI2600MC

Laurin Dave

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It is always very dangerous browsing on FLOs website at this time of year with so many tempting offers on display, I did this on Monday 7th December and before I knew it an Askar 200 f4 lens and ASI2600MC were on order.  The camera was quoted as out of stock with a lead time of 15-20 working days but to my surprise both turned up on Saturday morning together with FLO's seasonal warning of snow, even more surprising was that for the first time in weeks a clear sky was forecast that evening.   The new system was quickly attached to the mount using a vixen saddle which I screwed to the piece of wood between my scopes that carries all the cables (actually a piece teak from my school physics lab bench where my dad was the handicraft teacher) and darks and flats were taken.   At nightfall the lens was quickly focused using a Bhatinov mask and the coarse and fine focusing rings.   My main target for the evening was going to be a mosaic of IC348 and NGC1333 in Perseus but in the hour or so before they rose high enough I went for the area around the Fireworks Galaxy.  In total I got 1 hour on the Fireworks, 2.5 hrs on IC348 and 1,5 hrs on NGC1333 before the clouds rolled in.

Processing was relatively straightforwad although when debayered the 150subs took up 45GB, the darks look very good with and very CCD like with as promised no amp glow, the flats were flat, very little vignetting and no dust bunnies.  

The results are below.... (I've added my hi-res Fireworks galaxy to the first image).   There are some spacing and tilt issues to work through but overall I'm very pleased with the results for such short integrations times, particularly with the richness of colour  that the camera picks up in the dust which I always struggle with on my mono setups.   Even more so since these are from Bortle4/5.

Thanks for looking


The Fireworks Galaxyand Barnard 150



IC348 and NGC1333 in Perseus


The new scope between its bigger brothers..



Edited by Laurin Dave
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Nice images and good star shapes Dave!

But a bit qurious why you whent for the Askar 200 f/4 from Sharpstar instead of the well proven and less expensive Samyang 135 f/2 with more aperture (twice the lightgrasp)?

Edited by gorann
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2 minutes ago, gorann said:

Nice images and good star shapes Dave!

But a bit qurious why you whent for the Askar 200 f/4 from Sharpstar instead of the well proven and less expensive Samyang 135 f/2 with more aperture (twice the lightgrasp)?

I’ve already got one. :) All part of the plan 

Edited by Laurin Dave
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