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First clear night in ages.


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Well first clear night in ages and I missed it had pain in my chest dinner time went after 10 minutes never thought much of it. 

Came tea time got a pain chest right on breast bone and a feeling like hot fluid running down into my stomach felt really faint seeing stars but not the ones in the sky. 

I wear a fitbit type device said my pulse was 52 so I rang 111 took details said someone would ring me back anyway 45 minutes later paramedic rang asked me questions then said sending a ambulance for me I needed checking face to face. 

Had ecg said that was fine did bloods everything came back OK but I needed to make appointment with my gp so I could be monitored for 24/48 hours because of my low pulse never got above 66 even though I was panicking I was having a heart attack. 

Best to make sure but missed my first night out in probably 12 weeks. 


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I am glad you posted your unpleasant experience because chest pains should never be ignored and dismissed as heart burn or indigestion, it could be heart problems. A few years ago I went through a period, a month or two, of a nasty pain in my chest which I dismissed as heart burn. When none of the usual remedies worked I went to my GP. To get to the point it was angina causing the pain and I was given medication to prevent it. My GP advised me that had I continued to ignore the pain it could have developed into a full blown heart attack.

Never ignore chest pains, better to chance feeling a little foolish than to feeling nothing ever again!

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