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Skywatcher 150P missing Cap?

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Hi All,

I got my Mom interested in Stargazing a while ago and for her birthday we got her a Skywatcher 150P. 

They have put it together but the back Mirror is visible. I think that there should be a lid or something to protect the mirror. 

Attached an image. Am i correct and there is a lid missing or is this how it is supposed to be?

My assumption is that the shop collimates the scopes before they send them and just forgot to put the lid on?


Thanks for your help


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7 minutes ago, Pixies said:

mes it's frosted, sometimes it's mirrored. It's just the rear face of the mirror.

Don't know yet but i assume it is. The question is more if there should be a cap i can screw on to not have the mirror protected or if its normal that the mirror is exposed like that. 

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The back of the mirror doesn't need a cap , it's the open end that needs protection, nothing is missing , it is perfectly normal, my dob is the same.

The shop probably didn't open the box to collimate it,  but there are simple instructions in the included booklet on how to check it, and there might be a cap with a hole in it to check for yourself, but unless you actually don't get a sharp image when looking at the sky, I'd leave well alone at the moment : you see too may desperate pleas on here from folk who tried it without reading up thoroughly on the process and had a dreadful faff getting the 'scope back in order. Enjoy the telescope first, think about collimating when it really becomes an issue .

This is a simple, clear explanation https://garyseronik.com/a-beginners-guide-to-collimation/


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Thanks for confirming Guys 

Just seemed a bit strange that the mirror would be out in the open like that. and it looks like there should be a lid as well :D

Yeah i told my mum as well not to bother with collimation or anything for the moment.

I have read up on how check it and do it and also watched a couple of videos. Got a laser Collimator as well and will check it out when i am there over Christmas. 

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