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Which 140 or 150mm ED: APM, Altair Astro or Skywatcher

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Hi Gang - I have been hankering for a bit more aperture recently and would really appreciate the hive mind's advice! I love my 100mm f13 achro and my TAL125R achro, but find myself wanting more light grasp. I'm a confirmed 'frac fan, so I've been looking to go up a stage to a 140 or 150mm and maybe some "special" glass. In the past I've owned a nice Istar 150mm at F10, but I feel that somemthing at f/7 or f8 might be more manageable (that thing was really heavy). I've previously also had an Equinox 120 (regret selling that), and the glass in that gave some truly memorable views. I've managed to save a bit of cash over the course of two lockdowns, so been browsing again, but I'm tying myself in knots.... . I'm mulling over a couple of options:

This Altair Astro 150EDF looks lovely:


The APM 152 ED even lovelier:


I've also been looking at the 140mm APM, as this may be that bit more "handy".


But then I remembered the astonishingly priced Skywatcher 150ED:


And I got to thinking.... is there really £1000 or more's worth of difference in what I'm likely to see from a northern English  suburban back garden? Is the extra cost in the quality of glass, mechanical improvement, nicer tube? I guess I'm asking if I'm payng for cosmetic finish over optical ability? I've never owned anything of the sort of class/cost of the APMs... . On a sort of related note, is there that much difference between a 150mm and a 140mm? Both certainly will beat my current stable, I'm sure.

I'm primarily interested in the visual experience, but do the odd bit of imaging (well, snaps really). Any thoughts or observations is welcome as my experience with these sort of "higher quality" and exotic glass instruments/ is limited... .

Or maybe I should just get an 80mm and camera and let time and frames substitute for aperture ;) ..... or a Cat 😕:)

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Hi Mark,

I seem to recall that you and I had Istar 150's at around the same time ?. They were heavy things I agree !

Over the past couple of years I've been attracted to all the refractors that you list at some time or another.

The only one that I've actually used was the Skywatcher ED150. The examples I used were very early ones and there were a few issues as I recorded on the forum at the time but since then Skywatcher have reacted very constructively and the reports I have read over the past 6 months on this scope have been very positive.

If I was in the market now for a larger aperture refractor than my 130mm, I would certainly be considering a Skywatcher ED150. Would probably go for one that had been tested by ES Reid just for reassurance but I think the scope has the potential to perform at least as well as the others you list even if the finish and accessories are not quite as glossy.

Hope that helps a bit :smiley:



Edited by John
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Thanks John, you do indeed recall correctly. Your Istar was at f12 I think? Long as well as heavy! Mine was lovely optically (and fantastic in the right conditions), but was pushing the limits of my mount (AZ-EQ 6 GT). Whilst its thick aluminium tube was sturdy and helped with thermal control, the sheer mass of the thing was the problem for me. Hence thinking f7 or f8 might be better suited to my needs.

I am glad to read that the SW 150ED has had a much better reception after SW took measures to improve things. I had read your thread on the two examples you tested with some alarm! I am certainly inclining towards this scope though - the considerable difference in price would allow for nicer tube rings, a focusser upgrade etc. and still potentially leave cash spare. (well, I say spare - there a few gaps in my eyepiece collection that could always be filled....).

A quick question, did the 150ed seem heavier than that achro 150 evostar (blue tube?) you had/have?




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I have not had an Evostar 150 for a while now so I did not get a chance to compare the 150ED to it. My feeling is that the ED is a little heavier but not much - maybe just a kg or so difference ?

The ED150 is nowhere near as heavy or challenging to handle as an Istar 150 thats for sure !



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I have a recent 150ED, in the limited opportunity to use it so far I've been pleased with it's performance.  Its mounted piggyback on a 16" SCT to easy to do comparison observations.  Apart from the obvious light grasp superiority of the SCT there is little to choose between the two for lunar and planetary detail.  All the usual benefits of refractors over other types can be taken advantage of.  The tube is slightly larger in diameter than the 150 F8 achromat but not significantly heavier, it looks heavier than it is.  It's considerably front heavy so would need a tall tripod or extension.  The dual speed focuser on mine is excellent and in no need of upgrading.  I certainly wouldn't spend a considerable amount more for something "better".       🙂

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Update -  thanks for your input guys. After much deliberation, an order is winging its way to FLO for the SW Evostar 150 ED. Used the difference between that and the cost of the others to fund a reducer, scope coat, and some baader orthos. Apologies in advance for the clouds... .

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1 hour ago, Marki said:

Update -  thanks for your input guys. After much deliberation, an order is winging its way to FLO for the SW Evostar 150 ED. Used the difference between that and the cost of the others to fund a reducer, scope coat, and some baader orthos. Apologies in advance for the clouds... .

Good choice can’t wait to try mine out 

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