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Hi all, I am looking for  UV/IR Cut filter to use with a full spectrum DSLR  (1.25" or 2" will fit ) with SCT. The market looks rather confusing with prices varying from £10 to £100 .How much should I pay approx to get good results. Any advice on this would be appreciated..............Dave

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It's really hard to find side by side comparisons, so it's easy to just assume that quality is determined by price.

At the slighter cheaper end, I had no issues with https://www.firstlightoptics.com/zwo-filters/zwo-1-25inch-iruv-cut-filter.html 

I then moved to try a few CLS CCD filters.  None have had any issues with bloated stars due to the camera mod. I did find the astronomik Canon clip in CLS CCD produces some reddish halos around very bright stars but I've seen that in other photo's with similar gear. 

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