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SolarScout SS60-DS Double Stack Performance Set


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I have seen this solar telescope: "DayStar H-Alpha Solar Telescope SolarScout SS60-DS Double Stack Performance Set" for a good sale price and I would like to ask you if you have been able to use it or observe for it on some occasion.
Will the visual images be similar to those given by the Coronado PST or the Lunt 50?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
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The Daystar solar scopes do seem to vary a bit in performance. The one I had was much better suited to imaging than visual so I sold it on. Just not a lot of detail visually. 

So if you get one and aren’t happy with it get it replaced. Don’t settle for an under performing one. If you get a good one it will be very good but some aren’t so good. Best to buy from FLO who will make sure it gets sorted if not right.

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22 hours ago, tico said:
I have seen this solar telescope: "DayStar H-Alpha Solar Telescope SolarScout SS60-DS Double Stack Performance Set" for a good sale price and I would like to ask you if you have been able to use it or observe for it on some occasion.
Will the visual images be similar to those given by the Coronado PST or the Lunt 50?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.

The answer to that question depends on whether you get a good one or not. In general, with solar ha you tend to get what you paid for, and this is the cheapest solar scope on the market for a reason. I’ve seen a couple of positive reviews online from imagers, but they are few and far between. To be fair one owner has clearly got an excellent filter, but more people seem to be underwhelmed with their Solar Scouts than thrilled with them. Also bear in mind:
The ‘double stack’ claim is marketing bluster and not accurate - it can’t filter out parasitic continuum (photospheric light) like a proper double stack instrument. Like a Quark, it has a powerful barlow built in and will produce high magnification views, so isn’t a good choice if you want to see the whole solar disk, or if your seeing is poor. 
I’d prefer a Lunt 50, or even a Lunt 40 or PST. And good advice above. If you do buy a Solar Scout, go for a retailer who will take it back or swap if you’re not happy. £695 is cheap in terms of solar scopes, but it’s still a lot of money if you end up disappointed.

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