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AR2781 white light


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I think my first ever sunspot image. TV76, Lunt wedge, Solar Continuum filter, ASI120MM mini, alt-az mount, best 25% of c 1k frames. AS!3 & GIMP.

Stay safe all.

[PS: I'm guessing that spot on the left is big enough to swallow the Earth?]



Edited by vineyard
added PS
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1 hour ago, Rusted said:

Well done!  You've captured loads of detail. :thumbsup:

You could do a horizontal flip to get the orientation correct:
Not a criticism just something to try next time.

Thanks @Rusted - that's a good idea.  Hope the high heating you were experiencing w the D-ERFs is still not an issue?  Cheers & stay safe.

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Thanks. You too.  :thumbsup:

I invested in a full aperture D-ERF. Costly, but worth the peace of mind that I wasn't cooking my '174. ;)
The internal D-ERF focused a hot beam just outside the objective.
Nasty when it literally set fire to a temporary, cardboard aperture stop. :unsure:

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17 hours ago, Rusted said:

The internal D-ERF focused a hot beam just outside the objective.
Nasty when it literally set fire to a temporary, cardboard aperture stop. :unsure:

Yikes! How do you extinguish a lit telescope - fire blanket?

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28 minutes ago, Alan White said:

Wow, quite an image Vin.
I took a peak yesterday and observed a lot of detail ,
but your image trumps my view by quite a margin, thanks for the post.


Thanks Alan, that's v kind of you. I'm glad it came out like that b/c I wouldn't have the skills to sketch it (that's a good sketch you did yesterday).

Was looking at it again this morning and it seems to have grown.  The clouds came in, unfortunately, to not allow imaging.

But there was one memorable view through a 40mm plossl as Sol came around a bank of tall houses.  A blurry line in the EP focused into a neighbour's chimney pot, and then the Sun and high trails of clouds behind it.  Was very striking w sharp dark geometry & the wispiness of the clouds - but sadly my 120MMmini has far too small a FOV to capture that!

Cheers & stay safe

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