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Query regarding visual astronomy.

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Yes, within limits.

Lowest magnification that one can easily get is about x71 (with 55mm fl eyepiece). For comparison, with 8" F/6 scope that is like using 17mm eyepiece. It will only show about 0.7 degrees of the sky.

If one accepts that this is is narrow field of view / high power telescope, then yes - quite usable for visual.


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Yes!  The scope has great light grasp making it good for deep sky viewing. It will show the dark lanes in the Andromeda galaxy and extreme complexity within the Orion nebula. Superb on the Moon too, but its not going to give you a wide field. They are very big and need a heavy-duty mount, so not an easy scope to set up in just a few minutes. They are also slow to cool, so planetary images might not be so good at times.

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