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AZ GTi in EQ mode accuracy


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I've used EQ mounts before, but never in the 'proper' way - meaning I've never polar aligned so never tracked an object. 

I have the AZ GTi mount and yesterday swapped everything over to EQ mode, but the accuracy I got last night was pretty appauling after alignment (a lot worse than the quite accurate AZ mode). It got me ballpark each time so I know I have the mount and scope the right way up etc.. but could be as far out as searching for Vega and it would position me closer to Deneb or even Altair (or as far out as the distance between Jupiter and Saturn at the moment) :

1. I am using the Star Adventurer wedge. Should this be set to 45 degrees, or should this be to my location (i.e. 50 degrees)? 

2. I point the mount and scope North before I start, but considering the AZ GTi goto and alignment functions, does this positioning have to be perfect North - or can it be 'roughly' North just like in AZ mode - because the mount corrects for any misalignment during the Synscan apps 2 star alignment for position? 

3. Should I position the telescope so that Polaris is in the FOV in the eyepiece before I start the Synscan alignment? (even if this contradicts the angle in question 1?)


Thanks in advance! 


Edited by dd999
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1 hour ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

1 - as part of polar aligning it will need to be adjusted for your location....

2 - doesn't have to be perfect....

3 - No Polaris, isn't true north its a little way off..


Thanks for the reply. 

As for 3 - if I did have Polaris in FOV is the 'close enough' as per 2?

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to be honest, no.... at least it will tell you if you are in the right area, but that would be it.

You don't say which mount you have, but most have some form of alignment routine in their controller, which will probably get you quite close to accurate, so that when you slew you'll be close to the target..

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1 - Your latitude is set for your location on the wedge

When you did your try did you set the wedge for your location or 45° degrees?

If your wedge is correct and your telescope mounted correct and level then the eyepiece would in theory be with Polaris in FOV. I'm assuming for the az-gti that would be your start position before alignment when in eq mode

Perhaps this helps


Edited by happy-kat
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21 hours ago, Dr_Ju_ju said:

to be honest, no.... at least it will tell you if you are in the right area, but that would be it.

You don't say which mount you have, but most have some form of alignment routine in their controller, which will probably get you quite close to accurate, so that when you slew you'll be close to the target..

The mount is the AZ GTi mount 

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20 hours ago, happy-kat said:

1 - Your latitude is set for your location on the wedge

When you did your try did you set the wedge for your location or 45° degrees?

If your wedge is correct and your telescope mounted correct and level then the eyepiece would in theory be with Polaris in FOV. I'm assuming for the az-gti that would be your start position before alignment when in eq mode

Perhaps this helps


When I tried I did have the wedge for my location (rather than 45 degrees) - I used a compass for due North.... I didnt check the FOV, but assume Polaris would have been in the FOV. 

Yes this was my starting position before starting alignment. 

Thanks for the link - will have to try again  

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Last night I tried again. 

I pointed the scope due North, and set the wedge to 50 degrees as per my location. Unfortunately I wasnt even ballpark for Polaris. 

I had to set the wedge location to 35 degrees for Polaris to be in the FOV.

I started the wedge at 35 degrees instead. Unfortunately accuracy wasn't great. Ballpark but target not in a 25mm wide view FOV. Poor enough accuracy that I had to find DSOs using my red dot finder rather than the goto! 

I've added some photos of my setup but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong?! 


Original setting degree to match my location but Polaris no where near FOV (it was much higher in the sky)





My setup (this was at 50 degrees to match location but Polaris was much higher in the sky) :




Had to use nearer to 35-38 degrees for the telescope to point high enough in the sky to see Polaris in FOV:


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First, there is no benefit to using EQ mode unless you are intending to image. It takes longer and adds nothing. For imaging however it is vital. Setting your elevation using the dial is not good enough for anything but the shortest focal length. You need to do a proper polar alignment and as the AZGTI has no polar scope I recommend you use SharpCap. Todo that you may need to attach a guide scope/camera combo to your scope. Sounds a pain but process only takes about 10 mins when you have it right. After that the AZGTI works brilliantly

Edited by maxchess
Missed a bit
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  • 4 weeks later...


I am very new to this. I got an az-gti mount and skymax 127 about a month ago. I have learnt that the wedge markings on the mount are for the southern hemisphere.

In the Northern hemisphere, the angle has to be set to (90deg-your position) i.e, for a 50deg position , it shoud be set to 40deg not 50deg.

You can also use the "PS align pro" app to set the pole position.

Hope that helps.


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