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A largely cloudy night with small breaks now and then, which provided a welcome opportunity to view a marvellous moonscape through my 130mm APO.  Mars was also visible, albeit briefly, in the gaps and this allowed time for a quick sketch. In fact, the seeing was surprisingly good, although the northern hemisphere appeared rather bland and largely devoid of any features. Nevertheless a good night to see the red planet.S1010019.thumb.JPG.68250103ae95c2c1d08bc8d0ec509160.JPG

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Another nice sketch Chris. I've not had much joy over the last few nights, but I've just had a great view of Mars this evening (9th sept), nicely displaying Solis Lacus, an asymmetric polar cap and plenty of limb haze. I made an eyepiece sketch of which I'll make a cleaned up version tomorrow. 

Regards, Mike


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