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Mars 4am BST 18 August


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Nice shots. Well done! :) 

I was out this morning from 1am to 2:30am. Using my Mars filter on my Omni 120 ‘frac I could see the south polar cap very easily, along with some subtle details on the surface when the seeing clicked in with.

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1 hour ago, Knighty2112 said:

Nice shots. Well done! :) 

I was out this morning from 1am to 2:30am. Using my Mars filter on my Omni 120 ‘frac I could see the south polar cap very easily, along with some subtle details on the surface when the seeing clicked in with.

I was looking at this morning between 2 & 3am. The view sounds similar to yours but I’ve rarely ever had a good view of Mars. Seeing was exceptionally good so I think it was probably my best view of it to date. :) 

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2 hours ago, Knighty2112 said:

Nice shots. Well done! :) 

I was out this morning from 1am to 2:30am. Using my Mars filter on my Omni 120 ‘frac I could see the south polar cap very easily, along with some subtle details on the surface when the seeing clicked in with.

Trying to decide if i like my Mars B filter or not. It does increase contrast so subtle dark features are a bit easier to make out and it does make mars look very red! but theres more colour variation without and the detail’s still there without- just needs a bit more time to visually integrate it. Mars was stunning last night at 2am from here in London either way.

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I'm finding that the surface markings on Mars are not standing out as clearly as usual this year, suspect some dust activity, but not a global dust storm at least not at present, however the south polar cap (now melting rapidly) has been standing out very clear. 


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I didn't use any filters, just the Altair camera at native focal length. I initially used a Bhatinov mask on Capella to focus before I swung round to Mars. The previous week I used the Moon to try and get a sharp focus then swung to Mars. The seeing then was worse. See images below.  I think the rain we had cleared the atmosphere a bit.

03_12_52_20200811 Mars.jpg

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