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AstroPixelProcessor APP - Stumbling at first hurdle: how to open an image?

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Hi all,

So this is my second time around with the trial of APP. I gave up pretty quickly last time because I found the interface so confusing. However, I'm giving it another go, and I'm stuck again.

Basically, how do you open a FITS or TIF image just for post-processing? One that has already been stacked, either in APP or another package such as DSS? Because there will be times I'll want to stack subs during one session, then go away, come back and load up the stacked image for post processing during another session.

I've selected a working directory and can open Lights, Darks etc, but for the life of me cannot figure out how to open a TIF or FITS just as an image that I can then stretch, process, enhance, etc. No tutorials I've seen seem to cover this. I'm obviously missing something really basic here, and it's driving me nuts. Or perhaps I'm just wrong about what APP can, and cannot, do?

I should add I'm pretty computer-literate and comfortable with many other packages eg DSS, Registax, APT, StarTools, Photoshop (which I've been using for over 20 years) and so on. 

Any advice appreciated!

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You can load an integrated stack into APP through the ‘Other/Processed’ button at the very top of the 1) LOAD tab. Turn off Multi-Channel/Filter and Multi-Session Processing first. You can then apply the stretching etc in the right hand panel or got to 9) TOOLS and use them.

Hope that gets you moving forwards.

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APP is primarily used as a preprocessing package rather than a post processing package like Photoshop. Although is does have some limited post processing capabilities.

Try doing some registration and stacking in APP rather than using DSS using purely the default settings,You may be impressed with the results.

Tip: If you are processing subs from an OSC camera after loading lights , flats darks etc on tab 1 then goto tab 6 and scroll to the bottom and press Integrate. When done it will produce a single FITs file which can be stretched or left unstretched and saved as a 16 bit colour TIF file for further processing with Photoshop or similar.

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Thanks all. Looks like APP, if it's primarily pre- and not post-processing, isn't really what I'm after.

However, if it really does offer something over and above what DSS does regarding stacking, then I'll give it a go.

I'm kind of stuck in a gap. I have Photoshop CS2 (very old, but capable) which doesn't quite cut the mustard with my images. I also have StarTools which, although it gets more out of them, try as I might, I just don't quite seem able to get along with. PI is far too expensive/complicated. And so I thought APP might be what I need.

Thanks for the help. Lots to think about!

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Although APP doesn’t currently have a noise reduction or star deconvolution tool, all of the other key elements of post processing are there on the RHS. The LP removal tool and star colour calibration work really well, as do the auto stretch and sharpening tools. You can certainly process an image to completion entirely in APP, but ultimately it is which package works best for you.

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Hi BrendanC

Click the "Load" tab (1).
Untick muli-channel/filter processing and Multi-Session processing.
Click on Light.
Choose your fit or tif file. 
This then appears at the bottom of the screen. Dubble click and it then appears in the image viewer.
Then tab "Tools" (9) on the left for gradient reduction etc. 
Stretch and saturation  can be found on the righthand side.
Once you get used to it it's one of the best on the market!
The website is full of tutorials and the forum is a good place for problem solving



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1 hour ago, BrendanC said:

Thanks. I'm still struggling with it, truth be told. It's very slow and uses massive amounts of storage. 

Stick with it, I struggled with it too at the start.

The creator of APP Mabula has said he plans to reduce the memory usage of the software with new releases in the future. 

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