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I stayed up till about mignight last night to watch the Persieds, and was pretty disappointed. Only saw, maybe, 4-5 per hour, although there was a fair bit of high cloud. There was one spectacular one, though. Low, beneath Ursa major and maybe magnitude -4. Unfortunately, the camera was pointing the other way.

I decided to risk the threat of thunderstorms and left the camera out all night. I captured a few. Here's the best one. About 23:45UT.

Canon 700d, 30 seconds, ISO 1600, Samyang 8mm f/3.5.


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Nice capture.  I did the same, but came out to find the battery pack had exhausted after 7 exposures, despite being 3 out of 4 lights on it.  I dont think I've ever had any real success with meteor capture using a DLSR!

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