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Astroberry, KStars + AVX mount help


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I am trying to set up Raspberry Pi running Astroberry to connect my AVX mount to KStars. I have everything powered up and plugged in but I get this error message:


I have the older Nexstar controller (RS232 cable, with serial to USB to the Pi) it is up to date with all firmware. I have tried it with my ASI224 camera and it works, I can control the mount using Stellarium from my MacBook so I know the cable works. 

Any help appreciated 

I am hoping this is in the right thread? Admin please move if not correct. 

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Perhaps better suited to the software group, but that sounds like the device is not being recognised as a serial device by the OS.

Am I understanding correctly that you have a serial-to-USB cable plugged in to a RPi USB port that is connected to the hand controller which in turn connects to the mount?  Do you have a monitor and keyboard connected to the RPi as well?


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7 minutes ago, JamesF said:

Perhaps better suited to the software group, but that sounds like the device is not being recognised as a serial device by the OS.

Am I understanding correctly that you have a serial-to-USB cable plugged in to a RPi USB port that is connected to the hand controller which in turn connects to the mount?  Do you have a monitor and keyboard connected to the RPi as well?


Yes, that is correct. I do not have a monitor and keyboard connected as I can acces the RPi remotely from my MacBook. 

it must be the OS like you say as I've been able to connect it to both Mac and windows to control the mount before, but the RPi won't recognise it

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I would start by opening a terminal window on the RPi and running the commands "lsusb" and "dmesg".  The output might give some clue as to what is going on.  If you're not happy working on the command line though that may not help.


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You might want to try plugging the USB -> Serial into another of the Pi's USB sockets.

As James says - try running an lsusb to see what devices have been detected. Have you got anything else plugged into the Pi?


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I wanted to see if it was the RPi causing the problem or the mount. Turns out it is the RPi. I have installed Kstars and ran EKOS the same as I would on RPi but on my Mac. It instantly picks everything up and I am able to control the mount and see the camera. On the Mac it looks like the below and the connection is green.. 


However on the RPi it looks like the below, with the error in the box. 




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15 hours ago, lw2689 said:

I wanted to see if it was the RPi causing the problem or the mount. Turns out it is the RPi. I have installed Kstars and ran EKOS the same as I would on RPi but on my Mac. It instantly picks everything up and I am able to control the mount and see the camera. On the Mac it looks like the below and the connection is green.. 


However on the RPi it looks like the below, with the error in the box. 




Change the logging ,rerun and dump the logs and flag it as an poss error on Indilib - does seem strange. Does this happen on the RPI when nothing but the mount is connected ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

 OK i had this same issue with OnStep Mount , and Onstep has pretty good guide, there additional links provided by Khalid. 



Usually main issue is thst raspberrypi has GPSD (D as Deamon-indeed Deamon, that hoggs all usb ports) So easiest solutiom is to disable it completely. 

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