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Jupiter, Saturn & Mars July 2020


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Here are a few images I took over the past few nights as Jupiter and Saturn approached opposition, and Mars was on the rise. I used my old Orion Deep Space Cam (at planetary settings) for Jupiter and Saturn, and the Orion 5MP Starshoot Cam for Mars with my "Big Mak" 180mm. I was pleased with what I got with Jupiter and Saturn. I'm still waiting on Mars to get closer for a better image, but I was able to get some albedo features:




Reggie :)

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3 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

Good set Reggie, some nice details visible there. Have done an RGB align on them?

Good call, Pete. No processing...yet. I just wanted to capture them for now. I might work on them later. The comet's grabbed my attention!

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3 hours ago, Pete Presland said:

I did a quick RGB align and balance in Registax 6, what do think Reggie, i think might have improved the colour fringing on the edges a little?


Nice work, Pete. The fringing is an artifact of the old camera I used (Orion Deep Space Camera II at planetary setting). It's totally analog, but I like the detail and warmth of its images.

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The comet has been great Reggie, I have been out every night its clear. Starting to fade a little, but changing colour as well.

Its been very frustrating for me trying to get a really good image of it. I have lots of data, but have failed miserably trying to show the ionised tail!

Good to see you posting some nice planetary images mate between the comet action 🙂

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