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So I have a skywatcher 8" on an eq5 mount. A home built RA tracker this works like a treat absolutely no tweaks to position during observations.

Visual observations are good so I'm happy the optics are fine, collimation etc always checked on each viewing.....

My issue is with IMGOH this is generally mounted on X2 barlow (but have tried with-out) I just don't get very good planetary images (not expcecting spectacular) but they are pretty underwhelming. 

Not sure if it's just the IMGOH is not really up to the job or perhaps the supplied software is not so good - is there an alternative?

By comparison must say moon images using this CCD are excellent.

So is it me, the CCD or software or what - Anyone out here have experience using this and any tips etc would be most welcome. 

BTW I am using registax this doesn't improve the images by any stretch...


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