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Eyepieces and Glasses

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I am finding I need to wear my glasses to correct Astigmatism more at the eyepiece now, the correction feels more needed after long pc based hours wearing my readers for some reason.

So I am looking at Baader Morpheus, no surprise on other posts hey and also looking at the APM UFF 30mm for my Dob.

Those of you using them, how are they with glasses?

Edited by Alan White
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Both are fine with eyeglasses.  No crowding or exit pupil issues.  The APM UFF 24mm is also decent with eyeglasses as are the 22mm 70 degree eyepieces like the Omegon Redline SW.  The 40mm Meade 5000 SWA is excellent as well if you can locate one.  There's also the ES-92s, Delos, Delite, and XWs.  The Vixen LVWs were a little tight on eye relief with eyeglasses, so I went with the XLs.  The NT4s are also tight on eye relief with eyeglasses.

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Thanks @Louis D.

If I remember correctly you are an eyeglass wearer?

I have been looking carefully and the ones you mention were all on the list.
I do rather like the idea of the APM UFF 30 mm, I have the 18 mm already and it works OK with glasses.
and the view reads to be the 30 mm is a finer ep than the 18 mm.

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Yes, I have 2.0 diopters of astigmatism in my observing eye, so eyeglasses are a must down to about 1mm exit pupil.  It's also helpful in that I don't need to clean my eye lenses very often nor do they fog up very easily thanks to having the eyeglasses as a barrier.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So folks, what else should sit with these two?
1200 FL 250 mm f4.8 OOUK Dobson and the Vixen ED in signature?
Long eye relief for glasses essential to about 7 mm mark.

So far:
APM UFF 30 mm
Pentax XW 10 mm

Minimalist DSO and other interests to, I have other EP from 6mm downwards in the Vixen.


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Budget?  I would probably recommend the 17.5mm Morpheus.  You shouldn't need much between 30mm and 17.5mm.  You may want something around the 13mm mark.  There's the 12.5mm Morpheus, 12.5mm APM 84 degree, and the 12.5mm Docter/Noblex.  Below 10mm (Delos), I like the 9mm Morpheus.  I have the 7mm XW as well.  At 8mm, you'd have to go Delos.

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The 17.3mm Delos was my most used eyepiece in my f4.7 Dob. I found that 30mm showed slightly washed out due the too bigger exit pupil.

But if the 30mm works for you. Stick with it.


PS. I’ve never tried a Morpheus.

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