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M57 imaged with VC200L

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I managed to have a go at The Ring Nebula with my Vixen VC200L on the evening of 25th June. 
Image taken unguided with my unmodified Canon 600D. 
Many of my lights had to be deleted due to blurred stars - I think due to my failure to balance the scope properly. 
A meridian flip also occurred while I was making a cup of tea. 
I am so glad I missed my "first ever"  meridian flip, as it may have given me heart failure ! 
In the end, about one hour of lights were salvaged, with Dark, Bias and Flat frames applied.  Stacked through APP and then processed with Affinity Photo.
See below image. A Cropped image is also included which nicely shows the two central stars.





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Good to see someone still using a VC200L.  I’ve had one for about 20 years, gives excellent images and holds collimation well.  I don’t use mine anywhere near as much as I should.  Not sure Vixen make them any more.

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