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NGC 2359 Thor's Helmet Rework


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Thanks to an immense amout of patient guidance from Ian (x6gas) I have reworked my Thor's Helmet data.  Its an HOO image composed of 14 x 600s Ha and 19 x 600s OIII.  Data capture using SGP and PHD2.  Processed with APP and PS. It uses Steve Cannistra's synthetic green method of combining the colours.

The reworked image has much smaller stars, some with a little colour, a less pitch black background (now at 23/23/23 and not clipped) and I think I've managed to keep the nebula less bright and blue.


The improvement is entirely down to Ian, any remaining faults are my own.




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That is a huge improvement Robin - and a really lovely image, congratulations!

Thanks for your kind words but the improvement is really all down to you, your determination and dedication, I just gave you a couple of pointers.

As for getting this in the right forum, one of the mods (@steppenwolf or @MartinB or @John) should be able to move it for you.

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