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General image question

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Hi every one , ok some quick questions please 

I am using sharpcap and the ASL224MC camera  I put output file to raw data and take a 2000 frame capture then if I go to AS3 it won't let me use that file to stack ?

Now the more technical question I use the camera in the 2 inch mode i have an adapter coming so the IR filter fits flush to the camera https://www.firstlightoptics.com/zwo-accessories/zwo-t2-to-125-filter-holder.html now I want to be able to use a Barlow , the Barlow lens will screw into the filter so it's all compact , with the Barlow lens this close to the chip will it focus or do I need to use Barlow as full size and use 1.25 nose plate on the camera to get focus ?

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I would not use raw images to stack - take an AVI and put that into AS!3. (I presume we are talking about planetary here)

I can't answer your second question. I always use a 1.25" filter and flip mirror with powermate.


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Hi Peter I was not sure about the format I watched a video it it said use raw lol , I will go back to AVI  , things are turning into a right moo , I changed the focuser a while back then had to fit a long extension to get focus for visual , now I popped in a camera and could not focus so removed the self centering eyepiece holder and put camera in as a 2 inch fitting and can focus , so have a shorter extension coming which may let me use the 1.25 eyepiece holder just for camera use 

Just waiting for some to answer about Barlow lens so I know if I can use camera as a 2 inch set up or if I have to use it as a 1.25 set up, I was told you can screw a Barlow lens to the bottom of an eyepiece if that's right then it should work on the camera fingers crossed

Edited by Neil H
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Hi Neil, I'm assuming in the 2 inch setup you are using a 2" nose piece which threads into the T2 thread on the camera? If you screw in the filter adaptor that you linked to onto the camera how will you attach the 2" nosepiece? Or is there excess thread on the camera to enable you to screw both on? 

You should be able to screw a Barlow lens cell directly to the threads of the filter, the magnification increase won't be that much though with the Barlow so close to the sensor. 

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Hi Craig the adapter screws into the the camera were the 1.25 nose piece would go , you can only use this or the nose piece , I didn't want to have the nose piece and filter with Barlow sitting in the focuser when using it as a 2 inch camera if it came loose I don't want it smashing the mirror if it fell off , as you do lunar and planetary would I need a Barlow or is image ok just with camera ASL224MC

Edited by Neil H
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Ok Craig what I will do is wait for FLO to delivery my order ( on back order ) then I will test a few ideas out the extension tube I have coming is 35mm the one I have to get focus for visual is 50mm  the camera needs to be closer the OTA so the 35mm should give me lots of back focus , I can then test camera with the Barlow  lens close to the cameras chip if it gives me a little extra mag I could get a more powerful Barlow a x3 or x5 so it will give may be x2  as it will loose some mag due to no Barlow tube, but I can go both ways as a 2inch camera or as a 1.25 and Barlow 

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