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Software to test for faults on usb lead


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I guess what I was trying to show was something like: do a star alignment, return to the star(s) used in the alignment, wait and repeat.

At the very minimum, you would expect the mount to return to the alignment stars.

Like all electronics, if you change something then you look back for the change e.g. replaced a cable, swapped one PSU lead for another etc. and try to put it back to the before state.

An EQDir cable has a USB at the computer and the mount connector (serial) at the other end. In windows you can choose the speed of a serial lead - a mount doesn't need a high speed to be effective. Even a speed like 9600 baud is worth using to confirm it works OK.

Most cables will use the same serial port and hence the same settings e.g. COM3: etc. But it sometimes changes e.g. a 2nd computer USB port can result in COM4:

If you are using a laptop there may be an always on port e.g. I have one that will not recycle as the laptop is switched off or rebooted - for some things this makes a difference. My second port will get recycled which helps with some devices that expect this. Have you switched ports? Changed cables?

The length of the cable shouldn't be too important because after the connector, it becomes a serial cable and these can be up to 30m especially if you don't expect it to run too quickly.

One issue with electronics is a ground loop. If you haven't changed too much then this shouldn't be an issue if it wasn't a problem before.


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