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The planets while waiting on the Moon rise.

maw lod qan

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I'm lucky that the planets stay pretty high above the horizon here. I try to image them when I can, still doing single images with my manual DOB.

This morning I used a new adapter for my Canon. Before I had either did Prime focus straight to the 2" barrel. Today I went with an 1 1/4 nose piece and 2X barlow.

I'm happy with my first time this way.

Am I correct in thinking that's the polar cap showing on Mars?






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Nice.   4 planets in one session.

You probably have a better viewing altitude than us here in the UK. These celestial bodies are currently skimming the roof-tops and fencelines from my latitude.

Must set the alarm for tomorrow morning to see if they have cleared the hedge just before dawn !!!!

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Very nice pics of Venus,Jupiter & Saturn.

Your pic of Mars is the 1st time I have seen it from a "through the eye piece" perspective. I didn't know what to expect, It genuinely just made me say "WOW" in a positive way out loud to myself. Its so small! I believe you do have a hint of White ice caps at the bottom of the image.  So technically the Northern side of the planet. I cant wait until I finally get a look at Mars through my scope. Just that and Neptune to go on the planet front. I really enjoy coming back to them though, One of my favorite things to observe the planets!



Edited by Barry-W-Fenner
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