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How can I improve my seeing conditions?

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I have taken an image of Jupiter with my MAK 127 SLT with a 3X Barlow, ADC and ASI120MCS and the results didn't come out good.

I do understand the atmosphere is the main cause of it but I still want to know how to improve my seeing conditions of the planets.

Two single exposures were stacked then derotated using WINJUPOS.

Edited by WilliamAstro
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You can't do anything about atmospheric conditions, apart from moving to Barbados, but you can have some control over your local seeing conditions, and by that I mean the air both inside the scope and immediately around it. 

If your scope is warm compared to the ambient temp the the air inside it will be a hodge podge of different temps and densities. Cooling the scope by leaving it outside for a couple of hours before getting started is essential. 

Setting up on grass instead of asphalt or concrete can help, and positioning yourself whilst imaging so that no warm air from your body will pass in front of the tube will help too. 

If possible, set up in a position so that your are looking at your target over fields or open land, instead of buildings car parks or roads. Definitely avoid shooting low directly over houses if you can.

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Well here is a view of Jupiter from Earth taken with my iPhone 7 last year on August, do you think it is a good place for seeing conditions because I go on asphalt instead in the corner of my garden to see the most of Jupiter and get enough time to capture it! @CraigT82


Edited by WilliamAstro
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If that’s the only place you can site your scope then there is not much more you can do other than make sure the scope is well collimated and cooled.

Maybe your processing could be improved? How are you processing your captures?

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I would stack one thousand frames of data of the planet because the fps from that Jupiter capture was 8 fps, Because Jupiter was dark and the daylight sky began to brighten up from the sky. What is the best fps for Jupiter for my ASI120MC-S.

P.S. I use AS!2, Registax V6 and Photoshop CC 2019

Edited by WilliamAstro
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