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First Telescope

Red Top Miguel

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1 minute ago, Red Top Miguel said:

Also welcome to SGL Pybo!

Sorry to hear about the early retirement, that bloody Covid is hitting all industries!


Thanks Miguel..


It certainly is! We make aircraft engines and the pandemic has been brutal to our industry.


But, as they say...every cloud...(has a telescope under it) 😊

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16 minutes ago, Red Top Miguel said:

Good Evening All,

So this is really the first night since my last update, tonight is clear but still quite bright, However I will still get out and see what I can find though not wasting that clear sky. 

Will post my finding tomorrow! 

Look forward to it

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On 07/06/2020 at 15:36, Red Top Miguel said:

Good Morning SGL,

So the report is in...........!?

So I put the telescope outside at 2230 as the clouds were still about and I wanted to let the telescope acclimatise (still not sure how long this should take).

I went outside at about 2330 as the skies were clear and I was itching to get out and see what was in the sky. 

I started off by star hoping, something I’ve not done before and thought the practise would do me good. I started on the bright stars and tried to navigate the sky from there while using SkySafari to aid in my search. I will be honest I did get lost (a lot) haha, which was a little frustrating but it’s my first night so very much expected. 

I then moved from my garden to the cricket pitch around the corner, very dark and a great open space with very little getting in my way! 

The first thing I did was set the telescope to the moon, WOW just WOW! So much detail, I was amazed as I didn’t realise how much I would see, point to note though it’s bright so I’ve definitely learnt I need some filters! 

Next the novice in me thought that’s a bright star let’s have a look at that, I centre the finders scope on the star and then look through the telescope to my amazement I can see what looks like a planet and four moons in a diagonal line, I’m dumb founded I bring up SkySafari and confirm I’ve found Jupiter (please correct me if I’m wrong) the feeling of seeing another planet and it not being on the TV or in a magazine was truly amazing! Finally I use SkySafari to pin point the location of Saturn as I’ve seen it’s started to rise, again to my amazement I found it, I could even see the gap between the rings! 

My first night/early morning (finished at 2am) has truly been unbelievable and I cannot wait for the next!

Anybody looking for a great starter telescope the Sky-Watcher Explorer-130PS AZ5 Deluxe  has been fantastic and I have no doubt my interests and finds will only develop further the more I go out! 

Thanks for listening to one happy beginner Mick

Jupiter and Saturn do that to me every time. Each time a new grin. 

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