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Apollo 11 landing site

Mike JW

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The idea was to identify where Apollo 11 landed and then locate the tiny craters Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin but  I got carried away. I went back to this area two nights running and decided to sketch a big area. Two rimae, clear cut boundary between the dark mare region and the lighter material of the highlands, Sabine and Ritter have very rough floors with hints of terracing and circular cracks, wrinkle ridges abound, dark and light regions in the mare, sharp pointed shadows, the lighter slopes rising up from the dark flat mare, partially flooded crater (Ariadaeus E.) at the end of R. Ariadaeus, which at the far right cuts through the Silberschlag Ridge. So much going on.



Edited by Mike JW
poor grammar
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Hello Mike,

that's a wonderful sketch of this large - and famous - lunar area!

I have the three craters named after the Apollo 11 astronsuts on my lunar target list for quite some time. I should make them some evening.

So I see your sketch as an awesome reminder for me ;)

Clear skies!


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Hi Achim, They had been on my list for a long time. I had tried for them several times but failed. They need excellent conditions to pick them up and a good map. Once you know where they are they are easier. I had sketched parts of the area on various occasions so it was fun to sketch the whole area. Mike

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