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Can't get anywhere close to focus

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Hi All,

I recently purchased a William Optics Zenithstar 73 II APO, I've got a canon 600D which I'm using prime, I have a t-ring and adaptor and fits into the scope fine, but for the life of me I cannot focus at all. I've tried all the way down the focus wheel and doesn't come anywhere near close to focusing at all. I tried this with the moon and stars, just a blurry mess, am I missing something obvious? I an put my 120M guidecam in fine and it focus' but the 600D won't come close, but the camera itself is fine as I can use the lens and it can focus fine?

Any advice gratefully appreciated.

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You need to find roughly where it is. Use just the scope and point it at a distant outside view, then with no camera or eyepiece find where the image focuses on a bit of white card.

Focuser fully in so you can see the card. This tell you where the chip in the camera needs to be.

Regards Andrew 

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Or, absent a white card, you can just hold the camera behind the telescope and move it back and forth. Don't ding the sensor into the back of the telescope, though -- I can tell you it's hard to look at all the things at once!

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