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A new dslr but which one?

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Hi all, my dinosaur of a dslr gave up last night after getting probably my best image so far.. (Definitely died fighting!) so I now need a replacement.. Money is a massive factor so it will be on the used market and realistically no more than about the £200 region... I know.. Its not much... But my dinosaur was a Canon 300d that I modded with a ir removal.

I am torn between a canon 350d/450d/100d or 20d I have no experience with nikon so if there is an alternative I would be open. 

All of these cameras are a massive step up from mine so any help would be great. 

Many thanks Cal 

Here is also the dying image of the 300d! 

veil nebula witches broom.jpg

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I picked up a low shutter count Canon EOS 650D - only had 2563 frames on it - for £185 off fleabay in November. It is really good but I don't use it for astrowork. So might be worthwhile scanning fleabay.

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That's a great viel.

Personally I would stick with canon lots of support here and in software.

600d onwards has an articulated screen and 550d onwards can be controlled with an Android phone dslr controller application (but check with models of this is important). I would not get 350d as a replacement as your budget is generous for a newer model. There are other places other then auctions like mbt.

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1 hour ago, Callum1985 said:

I have bit the bullet and gone for the 600d.. Thank you for your advice and roll on Friday when it arrives... (you know them clouds are gonna roll in!!) 

Great choice..


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