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Eyepiece recommendation

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Can anyone suggest a better alternative to BST Starguider eyepieces in the same price bracket please. Intended use is with either f/8 or f/6 Dobs in fairly light polluted skies. Are Starguiders any better than plossls? Any thoughts appreciated.

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I'll be honest and say that it is really difficult to find something better than BST Starguiders at that price. When they have been sold under other branding (eg: Orion (USA), Astro Tech, TS etc, they have cost quite a bit more than they do when under BST branding.

If eye relief and apparent field can be sacrificed a bit then the Baader Classic Ortho's are probably a little better in pure optical terms.

In terms of plossls the Vixen NPL's might be similar in performance terms but will have less eye relief and narrower fields.



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The problem with is x better than y is that my perceived better may not be the same as your one.
With eyepieces that is very true.

What you buy as you spend more is a wider view and that comes with varying problems.
A Plossl is not just a Plossl, it depends on whose it is and when it was made.
A Starguider is a branding name not a type of eyepiece as well.

Have a good search and each opinion always has a counter opinion to match.
So until you try with your own eye, then you will not know, as only you can answer which is better for you.


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I have not tried BST Starguiders, but from what I have read here on SGL, (and elsewhere), they are very good.
FLO are currently selling Vixen NPL's at a similar price, but I do not know how good they are. Sorry!

AFOV... BST's 60deg - NPL's 50deg 

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