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Birthday night under the stars


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Not telling so don't ask if I'm really 69 (oops).

I've been wanting to get early light on M20/M8 pairing but with my reduced horizon it was getting light as I started to image so the rendition here is a single 5 min sub, I had shoot more but branches masked too much of M8 to use. Subsequently saturation has been pushed beyond it' normal limits.

Sh2-1 and IC 4592 were both images whilst waiting for IC 4604/B42 to emerge from the trees but by then it was too bright and I conceded defeat for the night (03.57 final frame time anyway).

Sh2-1 is a mix of 180 and 300 second subs ( 9 subs total), IC 4592 is another mix of subs (11 total 180, 300).

Camera ASI 294MC Pro cooled (-20°C) gain 122 and offset 30.

Scope Celestron RASA 8 with Baader UV/IR cut filter

Mount iOptron CEM 60 standard.

SGPro for capture, PI & PS CS3 for processing. No calibration frames used.

Observatory mounted and run remotely via Team Viewer 15 from the conservatory.


M20 and M8



IC4604  (part of)



IC 4592

IC 4592_RGB_Crop.jpg

Edited by fwm891
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46 minutes ago, Alan White said:

Happy not 69th Birthday Francis.

Nice that you got out last night I presume.

Thanks Alan. Yes really good night.  I've saved all the sequences so I can go back at some stage to add more subs. Really would love to put a chain saw to neighbours tree.

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