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stellarium 0.20.1 telescope control

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I have just started back in to astronomy after a break.

I have stellarium 0.20.1 and i understand that with this new version you do not require the stellariumscope software to control the scope, as this new version supports telescope control.

I have the latest ascom software control and using the eqmod software alone i can give commands to my mount perfectly.

I then started stellarium and selected the telescope icon at the bottom of screen and the box opened up with the  message 'There are no active devices' so i selected configure telescopes. The next box was Telescopes so i clicked on Add.  In the Add New Telescope i selected ASCOM

in the next box the status was 'Disconnected local, ASCOM New Telescope 1'  . I then selected Connect and all i see is  'Connecting local ,ASCOM New Telescope1' . And thats it,,it  doesnt connect.

Can anyone help on that one please





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20 minutes ago, Philip601 said:

The next box was Telescopes so i clicked on Add.  In the Add New Telescope i selected ASCOM

After that did you select the ascom mount ? This brings up the typical ascom requester for you to select the mount type . And if you are using EQMOD the EQMOD setup window will appear.

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I did all that and some improvement

In the Configure telescope box

i now have

1.Connected local, ASCOM Scope

3.Connecting local, external Sync

5.Connecting local,external Cancel

but 3. and 5. do not connect

I can slew in stellarium but whats happening to 3. and 5.



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I tried again this time adifferent problem

Using Eqmod alone everything works fine

Started Stellarium

In Add New Telescope i used ASCOM

Then in Choose ASCOM telescope and in the little box i entered EQMOD ASCOM HEQ5/6

clicked on Properties and you get the EQMOD ASCOM SETUP box  

Mount Options was on Auto Detec.  I then clicked OK

I then go back to TELESCOPES box

and the status reads '1.Disconnected local,ASCOM New Telescope1

So i the click on connect

the eqmod box now changed to Connect Error: Port Not Availanle

I used in the past Starry Nights and didnt have this problem

any more suggestions please


PS i then close Stellarium and the EQMOD box everything works perfectly.

For some reason i cant get Stellarium to work with EQMOD


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Hi another update

I tried in the EQASCOM Toolbox to not click on Ascom connect and this seemed to have solved the problem and i can now use the telescope control in Stellarium


but now

I have a configuration in Telescopes

1.Connected local ASCOM New Telescope1

I can now use in the 'Slew telescopes to' box  the Slew command and that works ok. I have also the Sync command

I dont know how to stop in the middle of the slew

and the ctr1, ctrl3 and ctrl4 do not work on keyboard. I presume they only worked with StellariumScope

any help


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I am stuck again. I restarted Stellarium and I am now back to the message  Connect Error:Port not available  when tyring to connect thru Stellarium

This is getting very confusing

Is there anyone getting to run the telescope control thru ascom using Stellarium 0.20.1


i have restarted computer went thru same procedure as before and now once again can connect to the mount through Stellarium but still cannot find away to stop a slew and a way of using keyboard to control mount




Edited by Philip601
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I'm confused on what you are trying to achieve ??  why would you want to stop a move if you've issued a command to move the mount to a specific location\target ?  fine keyboard control can be done using the EQMod window that would have opened when you connected to the mount, but as Stellarium usually open full screen, it probably hidden behind, so you need to run Stellarium in windowed mode.

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I have found using telescope control in Stellarium so difficult i have now gone back to Starry Night Pro. I thought i might as well pay for the upgrade version8 . Everything was so easy and connecting to my mount with little assistance from me.  Stellarium versus Starry Night Pro is an easy decision for me.


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  • 4 months later...

I have an Atlas  Pro AZ/EQ and it has worked flawlessly with EqMod,   Stellarium Scope and Stellarium that is until  I "upgraded" to version 20 of Stellarium.   With v 20 I tried ditching Stellarium Scope and using the built in Ascom native driver but found it so frustrating to connect and non-intuitive to use that I applied  the maxim "If ain't broke don't fix it"  and moved back to version 19.2 and returned to using Stellarium Scope.  After doing so all is well again.   What I am surprised about is that there is  not more written about this problem and the fix for it.   I see there is now a v 20.3 but reading the fix list I don't see this problem even mentioned so don't want to take the chance of wasting another night trying to get it to work with my mount.


Edited by LookoutLane
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