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First steps back into the night!


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Well it is a little quite on the ECD pages, but thought I would say what a successful night it was last night. Managed to get all the new software, and guidescope camera and mount talking...and guiding at the first attempt....though did not take any images (that is reserved for now). Was glad to have Knobby on the end of the phone when there were a few 'funnies' that showed up. Still great to start getting my hobby back on track.






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Thanks Guys. I will do. The next test is to get plate solving working, then I might actually take a snap of an object! I think if I can crack this, then I will be ready for the Winter months with ay luck. 

I can't wait to actually catch some data at some point...though then its going into the murky world of processing! I do need to do some reading up. @knobby, perhaps you already have some data I can use to practice on? I know we used to share a few bits and bobs over cloud drives etc? maybe we need a folder on here to share data?

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Had a great night imaging remotely again last night ( courtesy of @Blazar and anydesk ) despite several hiccups, a couple of changes of plan and some ascom issues we managed to align and plate solve successfully.

Gave up on ascom and used the Celestron CPWI software (excellent by the way) and after all sky plate solve wouldn't detect focal length, went with ASTAP ( which I use and trust ). 90 minutes into session we had M13 dead centred and I left Steve doing 3 minute subs with excellent guiding and cuddled up to Mrs Knobby to watch some telly.

No pressure Steve but show us the result !

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2 minutes ago, knobby said:

Had a great night imaging remotely again last night ( courtesy of @Blazar and anydesk ) despite several hiccups, a couple of changes of plan and some ascom issues we managed to align and plate solve successfully.

Gave up on ascom and used the Celestron CPWI software (excellent by the way) and after all sky plate solve wouldn't detect focal length, went with ASTAP ( which I use and trust ). 90 minutes into session we had M13 dead centred and I left Steve doing 3 minute subs with excellent guiding and cuddled up to Mrs Knobby to watch some telly.

No pressure Steve but show us the result !

HAHA...ah yes I now remember the joys of astro imaging. I am waaaay to tired! I finally took my shoes off at 2:25. I decided to take a few more subs (due to the odd car going past, and also a few more satellites). I also had the DSLR battery drain, so had to stop everything to change that. Once the first part of the imaging plan was complete, I thought about your comment on the guiding assistant....so I ran that whilst I waited to take the last 5 subs (once all the street lights went out)...it was just after that the battery died :-)....typical....and guiding then started to have a problem with a low snr alarm....so had to re-start that. Oh and found my Hitec astro 4 port dew controller now has a dodgy / loose cable somewhere (anyone know how to take these things apart?)

As knobby pointed out, there were a few issues, and I am grateful for his assistance, though as stated, I guess these are the times you learn the most! I am going to re-check every setting today just to make sure they are right. I now have quite a few subs, darks and bias...that I need to do something with! I will post it back (might not be today though, as I am still working here ;-))

So grateful for your guidance on this stuff. I was also messaging another friend who was out. he had a power cable issue, guiding issues, then a massive power cut knocked out most of his area, then all his gear came to life, and he now had black skies to work with, so I guess the sky gods do give a little back every now and then 😉

I will try not to muller the data I got, it looks promising for my first stab at M13...

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1 hour ago, knobby said:

Probably loose / poor soldering inside ... just pull it apart and have a looky

😨 I will have to have a look at it over the weekend. Think it comes apart once the knobs are off I would think. You ever taken one apart? what dew controller are you using?

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No criticism Steve but your stars appear to have a weird diffraction - see attached. Looks like something in light path maybe ? do you have any screws maybe too long.

Shine a torch inside to check. I know we've talked about this before but I've never noticed it.

Any ideas anyone ?

Enlarged 300 % to show effect - lovely round stars by the way !



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