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Eighty minutes of Horsehead and Flame Nebulae


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A very successful night.

Over eighty minutes of prime-focus exposure on this very faint target near Orion's belt. I still haven't got the guide camera yet, so this was manually guided the whole time on an EQ6 mount using an illuminated reticule eyepiece.

The problem now is saving from HUGE .Tiff's to reasonabley sized JPEG's for posting around on the net without suffering too many artefacts or becoming lossy......

Camera: Orion Starshoot Pro Color DSI

Telescope: Skywatcher ED120 APO

Guidescope: Skywatcher ED80 APO W/2X Barlow

Hope you like it!



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Baz, as regards posting and what size, I never post anything over 1000 pix wide as it is a waste of time. If your 'viewer' has a biggish (1024x768) screen it will be about right and if it is being viewed on a smallish lap top it will appear big and you have to scroll to see all of it. That causes people to moan a lot. At the end of the day we are all looking at monitors with a screen res of around 85-90 dpi and that really places the limit.


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Baz, as regards posting and what size, I never post anything over 1000 pix wide as it is a waste of time. If your 'viewer' has a biggish (1024x768) screen it will be about right and if it is being viewed on a smallish lap top it will appear big and you have to scroll to see all of it. That causes people to moan a lot. At the end of the day we are all looking at monitors with a screen res of around 85-90 dpi and that really places the limit.


Any chance a mod can re-size it for me? I would, but it appears I can't edit my original post....


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