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Struggling with flats

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Hello Guys

Quick question regarding flats. I`m REALLY struggling with mine!!! I currently use an ASI 1600 MM Pro and these scopes...

TS65 Quad apo

150 PDS

These filters... Optolong L pro and Baader NB filters.

I`ve tried various values using APTs flats aid with little to no success. Would anyone care to help with settings / rough exposure times with their 1600??



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Hi hi,

I would suggest to keep Flats longer than 0.3sec with ASI1600, and just in case, take around 40 subs per filter.
ADU 30k (+-2k should be ok).

I used gain 200 this night, and tried to do Flats on the sky using white T-Shirt...  Was made to place 3 of them bent in a half (6 layers) to get Flats longer than 0.3s on Luminance and ~30k ADU value....
If you use bias subs, these also should be done at 0.3sec or a bit longer (0.31 - 0.32), - and if you want to get perfect results, avoid bias, take darkflats instead.

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I`ve tried various values using APTs flats aid with little to no success. Would anyone care to help with settings / rough exposure times with their 1600??

I have helped 2 people out with flats who were using APT.  Whilst I have a great respect for APT and it's author, I have found that in these two cases the flats plan was just not working for them in APT.   

The way we solved it was to not use the flats plan, but merely take a "shot" adjusting the length of the exposure until the histogram was approx 1/3 - less than 1/2 way across from the left.  I recall the length of sub was something like 1/86 second in one case and I can't remember the other.  



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