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First sighting of Saturn - drunk


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Had a party with loads of friends on Saturday night and showed everyone my new toy - my first telescope, a 8" Skywatcher dob. All the guys loved it and I think all the girls thought I was just a geek lol! :shock: I was a bit gutted as it was cloudy and I didn't have a chance to show anyone what it could do. Anyway the night went on and after far too much drink and many sessions on guitar hero and singstar (god my signing voice is worse than i thought!), people started dispersing, actually this could have been down to my singing!? Me, the misses and my older brother decided to stay up drinking a chatting about rubbish as we always do after far too many bottles of wine when my brother decided to pop out for a smoke (4am ish) I popped out as well probably to continue the riveting conversation, and noticed the sky's were crystal clear. I also noticed the '?' shaped head of Leo that was mentioned on the last Sky at Night that I saw, I also remembered that Saturn was meant to be just under the back legs. Me and the bro dragged out the telescope and aligned it to saturn straight away - not bad being completely intoxicated :) , after quickly centering using the 20mm EP, I swapped it for the 10mm and was fascinated to see a clear image of saturn side on with its rings sticking out of either side like someone had put a pin through it. Anyway the perfect end to a great night catching up with friends and family over Christmas, I can't wait to see this beautiful planet through the eyepiece again soon!

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How many Saturn's did you see??? :)

It's a beautiful sight no doubt about that, even without the rings. And the air normally quite steady at 4am for a good view. Even if the person behind the eyepiece isn't so steady :p

I bet you can't wait for your next view.


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Good job. :thumbright: I had my first sighting of Saturn last night through my new 8" Skywatcher Dob, so I've got a good idea of the view you had, all be it a day later. :) I'd agree that through the 10mm eyepiece the image is amazingly clear and crisp. Like you, I'm looking forward to my next veiwing of Saturn.

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Sounds like a joyful night, the only benefit of alcohol is you don't feel the cold so much. I would be interested to hear if the drunk image was better than the sober one?

Cannot wait for my first saturn visual in my bigger newt but this weather thing is so depressing getting drunk is all we can do ATM to consol ourselves.

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  • 4 weeks later...

great job just had my first veiw of saturn a few nights ago throght a skywacther 8" reflecter and a tal 100 beautifull planet the only problem was that saturn was low when i spoted it and to the east of my house is a load of street light's so i had a lot of pollution but i planing to stay up late saturday and veiw it when it higher. by the way have you seen venus? not as good as saturn but it's still cool

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great job just had my first veiw of saturn a few nights ago throght a skywacther 8" reflecter and a tal 100 beautifull planet the only problem was that saturn was low when i spoted it and to the east of my house is a load of street light's so i had a lot of pollution but i planing to stay up late saturday and veiw it when it higher. by the way have you seen venus? not as good as saturn but it's still cool

Andromeda, I would be interested in your opinion of how the view of saturn compared between the 8 inch newt and the 4 inch Tal? How high in the sky was saturn when you were observing?

thank you :wave:


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