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DSLR lens or scope

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Hi all

im setting up a 2nd/portable setup star adventurer/450D .

im not sure if I should go for a lens or a scope eg Samyang 135mm F2.0 or zenitstar 61 apo f5.9/evostar 72 f5.8 ?.

any advice greatly received .


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And... the Samyang can be used for other imaging adventures then astro, too....

The Samyang seems to work very well at F2, so in comparison with F5,9 of the WO ZenitStar, the exposure times when using the Samyang are 9 times shorter than with the WO. For widefield DSO imaging that is an ideal lens. For planetary imaging you will be better off with the other two.

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I forgot to mention that with the Samyang lens you can not use optical devices to change the apparent focal length, like with the telescopes, meaning reducers or powermates, which will give you more options, depending on your preferences.
It will also be more hassle to use dedicated cameras with the Samyang.



Edited by Waldemar
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the 70-200 is a beauty, but never used mine for Astro. I picked up a second hand Sigma 150 f/2.8 macro lens, which is what I use. You can use it wide open, without issues (Macro - True macro lenses that is, not a zoom with macro moniker) are designed to have very flat image fields. And, at f/2.8 I've picked up the horse head with an unmodded 450d in 30 minutes of 2 or 3 minute exposures.

If you have an android device, it's also worthwhile looking at DSLR controller, as you can use that to zoom in to 10x on a larger screen than the back of the camera and apply very fine tweaks to focus. If you set the camera to back button focusing, you can then leave the lens in AF mode, and shoot away without issues.

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14 minutes ago, jgs001 said:

the 70-200 is a beauty, but never used mine for Astro. I picked up a second hand Sigma 150 f/2.8 macro lens, which is what I use. You can use it wide open, without issues (Macro - True macro lenses that is, not a zoom with macro moniker) are designed to have very flat image fields. And, at f/2.8 I've picked up the horse head with an unmodded 450d in 30 minutes of 2 or 3 minute exposures.

If you have an android device, it's also worthwhile looking at DSLR controller, as you can use that to zoom in to 10x on a larger screen than the back of the camera and apply very fine tweaks to focus. If you set the camera to back button focusing, you can then leave the lens in AF mode, and shoot away without issues.

I didn't think Marco would be any good    ( complete novice)  will def look at the 150 as I like the f2.8 over the f4  but I think the L is a better ql glass .is that right ?. About the same cost so what would ppl pick?



Edited by Fieldsy
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I've never actually tried to compare them directly like that. L's do use high quality glass, but they are also built like tanks for the use of Pro's. Macro lenses are also designed and built to high quality standards, they need to be, because of what is asked of a macro lens under normal macro circumstances. In some ways, the flat field, is probably better in a macro lens than any zoom L is likely to be. I may be inclined, as it's possible I may have plenty of time over the weekend, to try and get some comparison images (they may be quite boring though)...Anyway, here's an example shot with my 150mm macro (Canon 450d with a Sigma 150mm Macro lens. 13x 165 seconds, ISO800 @f/2.8. Mounted on an Astrotrac)


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And a couple of test shots... i tried to estimate where 150mm on the 70-200 was, but it appears I failed. I also can't get a clear shot at brickwork, so this will just have to do. The only thing done in editing, lens profile adjustment in LR.

Sigma 150


Canon 70-200 f/4 L (@144mm)


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I have the 70-200 f/4L and its fine for AP even wide open plus you can use it with some teleconvertors if you want a longer FL, the reports I have seen on the 200mm prime suggests it needs stopping down to f/4 for AP so has no real advantage.


Edited by Alien 13
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