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Lunar Lockdown pics from the 4th April


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With the SBIG deep sky camera in America being mended I've been learning how to image the sun and the moon. I'll be back soon asking for advice on the best filters to use and also the way forward for a camera upgrade...

These were taken with my TEC140ED mounted on my manual alt/az Nova Hitch (with simple tracking unit). I had a TV 4x Powermate in the 2” Baader BBHS diagonal and a Baader 1.25" UV/IR filter screwed into the old DMK41 Firewire mono camera.

All pics created from the best 70-90 images from 452 (30s movies). Camera running at it’s maximum of 15fps, exposures between 10-14ms, tweaking the gain and gamma depending on target brightness.

Running on a 2016 Touch Bar MacBook Pro with loads on dongles to hook the thing up with! Captured in OACapture (thanks James). Processed with a master flat and dark in AstroStakkert!2 and ImPPG via WINE. Finished in PsCC2017.

I'm overrun with 160 AVI movies to go through (many the same so I got a choice later).... trying to work out now which is better than the previous! Should also have a few small mosaics to try and make up.... as well as a similar number of solar movies.

I'm quite pleased for my first webcam imaging attempts, especially for only 5 1/2" of aperture, but please feel free to offer advice. If anyone has a link to an ImPPG tutorial purely for lunar, please add!

Presented here in the order of processing - I think I’m getting better each one I do!





Plato and Vallie Alpes



Crater Hippalus and Rimae Hippalus






Thanks for looking...


Edited by TakMan
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