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Venus with ED120

Trevor N

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Very good image, looking for some advice really, I took some quick shots using my Nokia 5, a mobile phone clamp to snap through the eyepiece, I know it's not the best but it is a bit of fun until I set up my camera etc.. I defocussed it so get some more magnification, the thing is I am not sure what the image really captures, through the telescope Venus is clear and you could clearly see it much as you have above. The image appears to show craters, I have cleaned the optics and don't think it is a problem with that, would be good to know some thoughts please.



Venus rotated to show approximate orientation in sky IMG_20200410_231459.jpg

Metadata for Venus photo.PNG

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Trevor - nice image!  Good to see another ED120 user.

Peter - Your image is well out of focus as you say - the "craters" are dust bunnies - i.e. dust somewhere within the optics, each tiny piece showing as a smudge as it is out of focus.

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Hi Bizibilder, or should it be Roger?,

Thanks very much for clarifying that, I tried to clean the optics, used wipes that I use for my glasses but still these, they look clean but clearly not so much, what would you recommend, I have tried a few different options but I do always seem to get these blemishes, very frustrating, my eyesight isn't the greatest so anything that would definitively clean them would be great, I realise I should ask this in one of the other forums but glad for any insights?? Particularly as I have just inherited a Prinz 660 telescope from an older friend of mine(I donated to charity on his behalf for it which is what he wanted), the optics as well as being the smaller .956 eyepieces, they are in fairly shocking condition dirt/dust wise.



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