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150pds advice

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Hi all

I have just ordered an explorer 150pds I need some advice as to what else I need to get to start AP.

1)   I'm looking to get a secondhand canon dslr although not sure whether a full frame or crop frame would be best? 

2)   I guess I need a coma correcter and potentially a barlow although I'm not sure how essential these are to start learning the basics?

3) If these are essential do I need a skywatcher one or can I use another brand? (any recommendation)s?

4) How will these effect the back focus+how to calculate it?

5) Lastly I was looking at the eqm35 however I have been advised that this would not be sufficient. Would an HEQ5 be sufficient or would I need an EQ6? and would these be able to support the 200pds for AP?


Thanks in advance for all the help


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I found this coma corrector the easiest to use:  

I know this is an American link but get the equivalent in the UK.


There is a skywatcher one, but the threads didn#t fit my camera (Atik) which meant another adapter and that made the spacing too big. 

The Baader one worked well with my DSLR.  

If you don't use a coma corrector you'll get coma,

Any HEQ5 will be fine for your purposes, I used the same with a 150P. 



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Hi Mate,

you will also need Canon adapter to connect the DSLR to the coma corrector Carole mentioned,

something like https://www.firstlightoptics.com/adapters/skywatcher-dslr-m48-ring-adapter.html

As per HEQ5, - it will be ok for 150PDS and close to the weight limits, but it will not fit for 200PDS, you will need NEQ6 as minimum for it.

As per Canon, - crop sensor will do the job, - I have not tried full frame as they are more expensive.

Ignore Barlow, - it is not used in Astrophotography (at least with DSLR).

You cannot calculate back focus easily as it is related to the camera you use, with Canon it is 55mm, the ring in the link will get you to the correct distance to get in the focus.

You will also need a Bahtinov Mask, to get a focus correctly.

Once you get your second hand Canon, - remember, batteries do not like to work in the cold... especially the used ones... So get more of them or,  - check for the power adapter to feed camera during the session.

Something like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/AC-Power-Adapter-ACK-E8-DR-E8-Battery-coupler-kit-for-Canon-EOS-550D-EOS-600D/391307738791?_trkparms=aid%3D555018%26algo%3DPL.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D226064%26meid%3D6384728fcc8f4ee5847adfceca3bf1c3%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D12%26mehot%3Dsb%26sd%3D164137136423%26itm%3D391307738791%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv5PairwiseWeb&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851

Just keep in mind, these adapters are model specific, - be careful.



Edited by RolandKol
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You don't need a Barlow, you'll be needing a coma corrector a canon T adapter. 

If u can get a good deal on a full frame camera you will easily be able to fit larger objects on your chip .

Some do use the 200pds on the heq5 but it is not recommended. The Neq6 is a better match for the 200pds.


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3 hours ago, carastro said:

I found this coma corrector the easiest to use:  

I know this is an American link but get the equivalent in the UK.


There is a skywatcher one, but the threads didn#t fit my camera (Atik) which meant another adapter and that made the spacing too big. 

The Baader one worked well with my DSLR.  

If you don't use a coma corrector you'll get coma,

Any HEQ5 will be fine for your purposes, I used the same with a 150P. 



Thanks for your help Carole 1 further question does it have a focus lock?


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