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A couple more form last night Modded 350D on Megrez 72...


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I started the night with the 1000D onthe megrez 72 and did some test firstlight images of M31 and M45 as neither of these are Ha Rich...and then used it on M42 so that I can show a comparison between a modded and un modded cameras can be shown.

I have been invited to give a chat to one of the local photographic clubs in a few weeks time about astrophotography - one of the memebers lives a few doors down from me and got chatting to one of the judges of their crimbo comp about this guy whos got an observatory in the garden (me) - the judge whos a good mate of mine happened to have my M45 and M33 images on his laptop so showed them to a few of the members the result is... he's volunteered me to give a talk on astrophotography :shock: :crybaby: :) ....

Anyway enough about that...

SO here a few more from last night nothing special and only rough processing until later on...

None of these have darks bias and flats in the stacks yet as they are just First looks...


(click to enlarge)


(click to enlarge)

Some poor widefield and startrails to come soon :p


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I'd been faffing around changing over cameras etc removing and refitting the piggy back one changing lenses on it so by the time - all those things you really want to do to keep the mount in alignment.... i got round to these the guider was having to work a bit harder... also dewed up the filter on the nosepiece of the FFIII whe i stupidly decided to remove it rather tahn just swap the camera bodies over... this then gave a nice little droplet which proceed to work its way across the filter... hence the cropping... :)

I also had to keep re-focusing when i changed between the moded and un-modded cameras as there no "glsass" infront of the sensor in the modded one ... took a few fuzzy frames before i remebered that one...DOH...

Thats the trouble when its the first night out since 1-2 dec you want to do eveything...


Tonight if its clear it will be the same camera on the mount all night... and some more experimentrs with startrails...

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That's the problem with imaging in the UK Billy, you have to remember everything afresh each time you image - more of a problem still for those of us without a permanent set up!

Looking very promising those images despite your problems.

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