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Power supply

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Hi all 

I have a Fusion PS120 ADJT Power supply which was working fine I have just powered it up and heard a pop like a fuse blown 

I have checked the plug fuse which is fine are there any fuses inside of the unit which may have blown 



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12 minutes ago, Astroman1959 said:

Hi Thanks for the quick response

I need a special screwdriver now or maybe I could make one ha ha 



My fusion played up the other week after fan packed up cut a nick  in a flat screwdriver replaced fan can’t remember seeing a fuse though I have the 15w version  

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Not sure if anyone has had a look the pictures I sent I actually have 2 0f these units which have both stopped working 

could it have been condensation on the internals that could have been the culprit I have seen  a few videos with people converting 

their ATX power supply could I use the power switch of one of these and the binding posts I am a little reluctant to buy 

another one of these power supplies incase the same thing happens again thanks for any help in advance 


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I have had a closer look at the underneath of this and cant find any scorch marks or abnormalities it seems odd that both of these units worked fine one day but

don't now, on both occasions I did hear a noise which definitely sounded as if something had blown 

thanks again for helping 


Edited by Astroman1959
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On 10/04/2020 at 15:29, MarkAR said:

Forgot to look at this, looks like the burn is in the middle of the components, more like the surface trace has burnt rather than a component. Is there anything on the back in that area?

I agree, it really looks like that. Condensation could be the cause of that...
NanoProtech Electric:  http://www.nanoprotech.co/  works very well to prevent that kind of problems.
 I use it on all electrical stuff, electronic boards as well as connectors.

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So do you think it is repairable or would you look at another option I had been looking at the Sky watcher power tanks would these suffer from the same problem or maybe move the power source to my conservatory which is around about a metre or so away could run wiring through plastic conduit  and plug the power unit into the wall socket there.  I would need to get some extra 2 core wiring to reconnect to the female fuse holder or use a connecter block .



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I would try NanoProtec first before buying a new one. I think you had just a shortcircuit because of moist. May the leads on the board are damaged on the bottom side...Can always buy another one if it does not work and use the NanoProtech as prevention for future mishaps.

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Hi Waldemar 

Thanks for your advice I will look at getting some of the NanoProtec first and let you know how I get on.  I notice you live in the Netherlands I usually come to Holland for a weeks fishing at Molengroet very nice place.



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3 hours ago, Astroman1959 said:

Hi Waldemar 

Just watched a video of the nanoprotech wow didn't realise how good this stuff is would you recommend coating my computer motherboard etc as this is also in my shed for astronomy  and it does get damp in there



I would... I treated all my electronics that get into contact with humid circumstances with it. Take the batteries out when you spray, also the rechargeable one from your laptop. No electricity should be available when spraying. The best way to get rid of charge remnants in parts is to press the on/off button a couple of times when the power or batteries are out.

Do both sides of the boards as well as all connectors. It is really amazing stuff. Do follow the instructions on the bottle!

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